RiseIgnite Financial Services
- 470 W Broad St #1280 Columbus, OH. 43215
- (740) 277-1606
- April 12, 2024
Earn $100 when you join Chime and receive a qualifying direct deposit! Learn more.
Set up a direct deposit and get your paycheck two days earlier. No overdraft. No minimum balance. No monthly fees. No foreign transaction fees. 60,000+ fee-free ATM's at stores you love, like Walgreens®, CVS®, 7-Eleven®, and Circle K. Out-of-network fees apply. We’ll spot you up to $200 on debit card purchases with no overdraft fees. We also help increase your FICO Score® by an average of 30 points with our new secured credit card. No interest, no annual fees, and no credit check to apply. Eligibility requirements apply. Pay friends and family fee-free, no matter what bank account they use. They can cash out instantly⁶, and securely, with no sign-up needed. Applying for an account is free and takes less than 2 minutes. It won’t affect your credit score! If you need help, Chime’s support channels are standing by 24/7. Reach our friendly team by phone, email, in the app, or check out the Help Center.
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